Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wall Ball Shots for the Win

            One of my favorite CrossFit exercises is the Wall Ball Shot.  It may be the least favorite for some because it’s a brutal movement that uses your whole body but I love it. 

Reasons why I think Wall Ball Shots are AWESOME and you should start doing them now:
  1. You need to use the force of your legs, hips and butt to move the ball above your head.
  2. Therefore, you can lift weight over your head without having to lift both of your arms fully.
  3. Since you need to use your entire body to do the movement, you’re building up many different muscles.
  4. They’re great for cardio.
  5. They can give you the skills you need for daily living.

How could throwing a ball in the air help me with daily living skills?

Have you ever struggled to put something overhead because your arm just couldn’t reach? This happens to me frequently.  Sometimes no one is around to help me and, to be honest, I like to be as independent as possible and not have to depend on others to lift things for me.  If it’s something that’s light enough and not breakable, sometimes I throw it up as if I’m doing a Wall Ball Shot! It works!

But how can I do this crazy movement?

            Choose a medicine ball of any weight. I would start out light.  Stand in squat stance, facing a wall, and resting the medicine ball on your chest.  Go into a full squat while keeping your chest high and shoulders back and then thrust up while throwing the ball up with your arms to hit the wall at about eight or ten feet high (or as high as you can).  CrossFit gyms have lines on the walls as a target for where to hit the wall.  It’s okay if both arms don’t reach all the way up.  Mine don’t! The trickiest part is keeping control of the ball and trying to catch it on the way down as you go back into another squat.  This just takes practice!


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