Dead hang with Coach Carlos! |
This weekend I completed a two-day Crossfit competition at Crossfit Singular Box (see videos at the bottom of this post). It was my first-ever competition and I’m really happy to have completed it! I was overwhelmed by the support from the coaches and members of the gym. It really is an incredible group of people. Although we were competing, everyone cheered each other on and showed such great sportsmanship. It was really impressive and says a lot about the atmosphere of the box.
The competition took place on
Saturday and Sunday. There were three
WODs (Workouts of the Day) on Saturday and two on Sunday. Below I have included a chart of the WODs
that everyone completed and the modifications that were made for me. The coaches did a really good job of making
my exercises just as difficult for me as they were for everyone else. I ended up in seventh place out of thirteen girls. Not so bad for a first-timer!
WOD #1: (As Many
Rounds as Possible [AMRAP] 10’)
Original Workout
10 calorie row
15 wall ball shots 16 lbs.
Used an 8 lb ball
20 second hand stand hold
Held a plank position with my knees on a box and held onto
a dumbbell on the floor with my left arm to even out my arms
WOD #2: Accumulate
your max time of…for 3 minutes each
Original Workout
Tuck support position on two parallelette bars
Added discs under the left parallel bar to even out my
Balance on a parallelette bar with two feet
Dead hang from the bar
Max distance broad jump (3 attempts)
WOD #3: (Time Cap:
Original Workout
30 thrusters 15 kg. (with a barbell)
30 thrusters 8 kg. (with a kettlebell)
10 jumping pull-ups
Did jumping pull-ups from a box
5 toes to bar
5 knee lifts hanging from the bar
10 jumping pull-ups
Did jumping pull-ups from a box
30 thrusters 15 kg (with a barbell)
30 thrusters 8 kg. (with a kettlebell)
WOD #4: (Time Cap:
Original Workout
Cash in: 200 m bear crawl
Cash in: 100 m crab walk, 100 m broad jumps
3 rounds of…
10 box jumps
10 medicine ball sit ups 12 lbs.
Cash out: 200 m bear crawl
Cash in: 100 m crab walk, 100 m broad jumps
WOD #5: (Time Cap:
Original Workout
6 rounds for time of…
60 simple unders
50 m dumbbell farmers carry 12.5 kg
10 dumbbell step-ups
12.5 kg
10 dumbbell snatches
Did snatches with right arm and sumo deadlift high-pulls
with left arm
*If you see a blank
space under “Modifications,” that means that no modifications were made for
that exercise.
**Also, notice that
some exercises are listed with lbs. and some with kgs. Generally kilograms are
used in Spain, but some of the equipment is labeled in lbs.
Above: Box jumps
Below: Crab walks and broad jumps
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